среда, 24 июля 2019 г.

Service account GCP для взаимодействия с Compute app

  1. Open the Google Cloud Platform Console Credentials page.
  2. If it's not already selected, select the project that you're creating credentials for.
  3. To set up a new service account, click New credentials and then select Service account key.
  4. Choose the service account to use for the key.
  5. Choose whether to download the service account's public/private key as a standard P12 file, or as a JSON file that can be loaded by a Google API client library.
подробнее тут: https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849?hl=en&ref_topic=6262490#serviceaccounts

Необходимо получить доступы для Ansible к GCP, нашел мануал выше.

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